Adoration Run Club

A community of runners who adore Christ

About us

Adoration Ultra was formed out of genuine love for The Eucharist. Most Christians do not receive The Eucharist or even know what it is. Early church father, Saint Ignatius of Antioch said that if someone didn't celebrate Christ's true presence in The Eucharist then they are not real Christians.

That is why we are starting a MOVEment using the gift of running to celebrate and confront the world with the gift of The Eucharist. We call it "Adoration Ultra".

Adoration Ultra begins in mass where we receive The Eucharist. Following mass, we spend 30 minutes in Eucharistic Adoration. Then, we run to the next parish and spend 30 minutes in Eucharistic Adoration there and so on until a full Ultra Marathon has been completed. The entire time we run with a 3 foot by 5 foot flag that says "Eat My Flesh" on one side and "Drink My Blood" on the other just as Christ commanded us. We offer the suffering we experience to God's glory and carry prayers with us the entire way.

If you would like to use your gift of running to glorify God join our community and sign up for the next Adoration Ultra or simply offer up your next run to someone on our prayer wall.

God Bless - Jimmy Coleman

Join Our Community

How to do this in your hometown:

Do your part in spreading the news of the Real Presence. Below is everything you need to put together your own Adoration Ultra(over 26.2 miles) or Adoration Run(Less than 26.2miles). 

Please document your journey within our community so we can keep track of the growth of this movement!

Build Your Own Adoration Ultra!

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